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29/07-2022 kl. 14:05:51
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29/07-2022 kl. 14:05:51
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Jeg står og mangler en træner til et springhold, piger 10-12 år i Kbh,...

11/07-2022 kl. 09:43:07
Gammel Stortramp
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04/07-2022 kl. 16:50:43
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04/07-2022 kl. 14:23:10
Gymnastik tøj i ikke bruger?
Hov det rigtige link er her.

15/06-2022 kl. 16:31:13
Gymnastik tøj i ikke bruger?
jeg kan se det er en gammel tråd, men jeg står faktisk inde med en mas...

Varm debat

Online brugere: 0

Kategori: Diverse / Gymnastikrelateret

Project JUMPoff
Hvad er project JUMPoff??

Jeg er faldet over det på Facebook. Jeg kan se flere "store" navne er med på holdet. Jeg har læst facebooksidens beskrivelse:

Project JUMPoff consists of a group of elite gymnasts that has spent countless hours training. One day we got the idea, what would happened if we took our equipment and the skills that we have perfected and moved it all into unknown settings?
That is exactly what we intend to find out. Right now we are planning a trip to Sweden, some of the locations that we are going to visit an old car cemetery, a closed stone quarry and some of the vast and untouched woods of Sweden. Which other cool and beautiful locations we might discover only time will tell.
The goal with Project JUMPoff is to take gymnastics out of its comfort zone and replace them with new possibilities and challenges. The whole trip will be documented with help from the moviemakers from PICKO and the final result will be a movie that will raise the bar for gymnastic videos and the possibilities that gymnastics has.
The duration of our adventure is from the 13th to the 20th of July. In this period we are going to Jump, tumble, film, discover and have a lot of fun. The Project JUMPoff movie is expected to be ready for you in the beginning of September 2014.
We are just about ready to JUMP off on this adventure. Follow us here for more updates.
Elite gymnastics moved into unknown settings

Hvem står bag? Hvad skal det ende ud i? Et enkelt filmklip eller mere end det?
 Bruger: emilbo   

Tidspunkt: 17/07-2014 Kl. 21:27:58 

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